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I got another Rogers 10-12 - Printable Version

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I got another Rogers 10-12 - Dan Walker - 06-20-2012

Some time ago I bought Rogers 10-12 and I posted some photos here..
Well I put an add on kijiji for a power supply and one reply was ''why don't you just buy the whole radio from me''
So I traveled the round trip of 300 miles and came home with this one ,and it is complete with clock and power supply..
Both chassis are the same except someone has been in the newer one and change a few things. It will be quite a while before I get to these and I am going to need some help with the chassis.



RE: I got another Rogers 10-12 - PhilcoMike - 06-21-2012

Love the art deco cabinet design. First radio I've ever seen with a clock in it.

Great find.


RE: I got another Rogers 10-12 - TA Forbes - 06-21-2012!!!

Fantastic looking cabinet and chassis! Well done!

Do keep us posted on how your set is coming along.

RE: I got another Rogers 10-12 - Glenn Roberts - 06-21-2012

Nice!!, good score!

RE: I got another Rogers 10-12 - Ron Ramirez - 06-21-2012

It may not be a Philco...but that is a beautiful radio! Congrats! Icon_thumbup

RE: I got another Rogers 10-12 - Dan Walker - 06-21-2012

I did all the caps on the radio and so far I can recieve stations across the dial but very very faint. The power supply weighs about 50 pounds.
I am going to need some help with this one,so back to the books for some more knowledge and information on how it works.
Thanks for the comments.. Dan

RE: I got another Rogers 10-12 - Jayce - 06-23-2012

That radio does look really nice. My friend has a small Rogers Majestic radio and it is nice, but your's just blows it totally away. Great scrore! Icon_smile

RE: I got another Rogers 10-12 - Arran - 06-23-2012

Quote:Love the art deco cabinet design. First radio I've ever seen with a clock in it.

What's art deco about it?

RE: I got another Rogers 10-12 - Arran - 06-23-2012

Quote:I did all the caps on the radio and so far I can recieve stations across the dial but very very faint. The power supply weighs about 50 pounds.
I am going to need some help with this one,so back to the books for some more knowledge and information on how it works.
Thanks for the comments.. Dan

This may be a dumb question but does the 10-12 use bias cells? If it does, and the bias cells are bad, then the set won't play properly. Other then that there are a number of other causes for weak reception, weak tubes, drifted resistors, a bad mica cap, open antenna coil, open RF coil. One thing to check for certain is the IF alignment, if someone has been in there and messed around with a screwdriver it could be way off, same with the antenna and RF trimmers.
By the way, I just picked up another Rogers product myself, although about three years newer, it's a DeForest-Crosley "Brahms" from about 1938, but it only has 9 tubes, inspite of what the RCC manual says, the "Gilbert" model had 11 tubes which is what the RCC manual shows. But it's still a big and impressive radio with motorized tuning, very similar electrically to a Rogers model 13-96.

RE: I got another Rogers 10-12 - Dan Walker - 06-25-2012

Arran,, This set does not use bias cells.. I do have a couple of other Rogers sets that use them and what I did was use a 1.5 watch battery and it seemed to work fine. Thanks for the information
Jayce,,,,I have another Rogers with a clock on the side and it is a year earlier than my 10-12 It is a 4821 which was the top of the line for Rogers in that year.[1934].The clock on both radios can be set to turn the radio on and off. I did post photos of it quite a while ago but here are a couple more photos of that radio.
It took me a while to get in the condition it is now but it was worth it.




RE: I got another Rogers 10-12 - Arran - 06-26-2012

Here's another possible culprit for the low volume, I see on the schematic that this set has a pair of audio interstage transformers, it isn't uncommon for the primary of one of those to open up. Check the plate voltage on the 6F6M driver tube, also check for plate voltage on the 86M 1st AF amp. With regard to the interstage between the 6F6M driver tube and the 86M 1st AF amp, there is also a 20,000 ohm resistor in series with the primary of the transformer so check that resistor as well as the continuity of the transformer.