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How to fix "knob wear" and color in the accent lines - Printable Version

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How to fix "knob wear" and color in the accent lines - Guest - 11-25-2008

I finally removed all of the crud from my Philco 60 (by stripping it) and was able to save the "Philco" stencil. However, there is a lot of wear around the volume control knob hole. I am going to use toner on the cabinet, but as it sits now (dry), the ring around the knob hole appears lighter than the surrounding wood. Will this probably disappear under the lacquer or do I need to treat it?

Also, the inscribed lines which separate the light areas from the dark areas appear (to me) lighter than they ought to be. Does anyone color these in dark (brown) before refinishing?

Jim Cross

Re: How to fix "knob wear" and color in the accent lines - Ron Ramirez - 11-26-2008

Hi Jim

By careful application of toner on the worn area and repeated rubbing out, you should be able to match the worn spot to the surrounding wood.

And I would not try to color in the grooves in the wood which separate the light from the dark...