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Philco 42-355 speaker and field coil replacement

I have completed the installation of the heat sink resistors to replace the field coil. Also have replaced the electrolytics, paper caps, out of spec resistors and the bad wiring. I turned it on today and am having some problems with the AM tuning. Initially I was able to receive stations in the 1100 to 1300 range but the dial did not read correctly and I could not receive a strong station around 1500 nor could I receive anything below about 1000. I adjusted the broadcast-series compensator (item 6E on the parts list and was able to receive the strong station around 1500 at the proper spot on the dial. The stations below 1500 to about 1100 still come in but not at the correct dial setting and still no reception below 1000. For example a strong staion at 1140 comes in at about 1050 on the dial. I also tried adjusting the broadcast-oscillator (item 6F) but could not detect any improvement. I need some help and will appreciate any and all advice.


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