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Tuning Cap protection

I'm cleaning up and derusting the tuning cap on my 71. Once all the rust is gone and it clean is spraying it with clear lacquer to protect it from rusting again ok to do?


I wouldn't do it lest you get some inside the plates. No problem brushing some laquer clear or silver color on the frame but be careful.

I would not, because you may effect the capacitance of the sections and effect alignment and tracking.
Getting it on/in the trimmer sections is a big no-no.

Unless you are storing this set in a high humidity and wide temp range loaction, once cleaned I would just take q-tips with Deix-it and lightly wipe down the stator and rotor plates with light film. DO NOT DO THIS IN THE TRIMMERS.

Deox-it leaves a non-corroding film behind when it evaporates.


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