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Pilot Model T-601 FM "Pilotuner" trimmer cap value

Just recapped a pilotuner T-601 FM I picked up at a flea market. Cannot aline. All the stations seem to jammed into the lower part of the dial. Upper part of the dial is dead. I receive only 96 - 108 MC and they appear on lower part of the dial. Seems trimmer cap T7 is open. here is the schematic:
but I can't find a parts list for value of T7.
If someone knows where to get this info I would be greatly appreciative.

Because of the frequency involved it's going to be pretty small something like 10mmfd. If the osc coil is air wound you can try pulling the turns apart a bit or pinching it together to raise or low the inductance.

When my pals were reading comic books
I was down in the basement in my dad's
workshop. Perusing his Sam's Photofoacts
Vol 1-50 admiring the old set and trying to
figure out what all those squiggly meant.
Circa 1966
Now I think I've got!


Yes completely removing the slug and squeezing the coils together helped but not enough. Thanks for the info. Found a 5- 20 PF cap gonna try that when it arrives.
Thanks all!

Did you check the resistors in the circuit and the fixed micas as well? Recapping a set fixes a lot of problems but paper caps aren't the only part that fails. It's rare to have a problem with a trimmer cap unless someone physically mangled the thing. They probably don't list a value for the trimmer for that reason, they just don't go bad on their own.

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