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New member

Good evening

Although a new member, I have had an interest in vintage/antique radios since my youthful 1970s. Back then I would buy, my father who worked for Sylvania provided me an adequate supply of tubes (the caps hadn't failed at this point), and life was good.

Life goes on- college, career, other hobbies (cars like MGs and Corvettes- Almost frustrating as troubleshooting electronics), and now I'm coming full circle. My collection from my youth was nonfunctional now due to caps- and now seemed to be a good time to re-enter the hobby. Although my early collection included Packard Bell, Motorola, Mech, RCA, and Philco- I decided going forward to focus on acquiring Philco products. I currently have purchased a Philco Jr (appears to be an 81 according to schematic), 37-660 console, 42-323 tabletop, and another highboy/lowboy that I will post to see what possible model-year it is (possibly 1932 or 1933). I look forward to future purchases and restoring/reviving others.

Hello, and welcome! This is a great place not only for the Philco (and other brands) knowledge but also for the great people.

The 37-660 is a great looking set. Not too tough to work on until you re-cap the RF deck.

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