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Philco Model 38 Code 123 Oscillator Problem

 if the primaries of each coil were rewound properly, with the correct number of turns with the correct gauge of wire in the same direction as the originals, then there shouldn't be any reason why you couldn't get it to track properly. I think that the dial scale should be lined up with the pointer at the bottom end of the dial, plates in tuning condenser fully meshed, the top end is a little trickier to figure out sometimes. I'm not sure about the model 38 but most radios have a trimmer capacitor for the upper end of the dial and a padder capacitor for the lower end, although some will substitute a tunable slug inside the oscillator coil for one of them, but not in this case. Once the IF cans are aligned properly setting up the oscillator should not be too difficult if the factory procedure is followed, there is usually a lot of adjustment built into the oscillator tank circuit to make everything track properly, unless the dial scale is wrong or installed really far off which would be pretty obvious.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Philco Model 38 Code 123 Oscillator Problem - by Arran - 06-16-2016, 09:04 PM

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