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Philco Model 41-296X with 41-285 modified chassis

I originally was going to use heat shrink tube so I went to Radio Shack (my only option here locally) and they were out, so I wanted to get started so I tried to come up with an alternative, first I used Door Bell wire, cut it to length and pull the insulation off and with one end of a wire undone in the chassis, slide the new insulation on, great except it only comes in two colors, white and red, so I tried to think of something else and I remembered the underground phone cable end I had left, back in the 50's they were laying one of the first underground cables in our area, from Rockford to Peoria, it went right by the farm I grew up on, every half mile they would have to splice two cables together, to do this they would cut 1 to 2 foot off each cable and make their splices, they would throw away the cut offs and I gathered up several, I was about 10 at the time and used them for crafts, etc. Fortunately I had one left which I had saved all these years. (it finally came in handy) By warming the wire up in hot water I was able to pull the vinyl insulation off, and as this wire is 18 gage the cover slips right on the 20 gage in this chassis. Works slick and there are about 100 wires in each cable end so I have plenty and plenty of colors. The other plus is I don't have to use the heat gun to shrink the heat shrink tube. Icon_smile

The other point I was making was, when I started I looked at all of those caps and rubber wires and was overwhelmed, after a day or so I went back to it and decided I would concentrate on 2 caps and the associated rubber wire, if I only thought about those 2, I wasn't overwhelmed and when those two were done I picked out two more and so on and it seemed easy then, so I am proceeding. Icon_razz

Also in checking out the Philco Phorum I discovered that I should be actually posting this in the "Philco Electronic Restoration" sorry, should I move to there?

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Re: Philco Model 41-296X with 41-285 modified chassis - by jjbuzard - 12-08-2009, 06:52 PM

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