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47-1227 Philco electrolytic cap numbering

All, I'm working on my first radio project, a Philco 47-1227 and thought I'd start by recapping the unit. Most caps are clearly marked with their capacitance but there is one that has me stumped. It is one of five electrolytics. There is a 25uf +10uf in can, a 10uf + 10uf also in a can, and a fifth mystery electrolytic. The info printed on the cap reads;
232 623
12D46 62
5 50
I've ordered a schematic but before it arrives can anyone decifier the capacitor code? It reads 12uf on my digital as well as vintage cap testers. I've run this by another forum and the leading guess is that it is a 5uf 50V cap. I'll know for sure when the schematic arrives but was wondering if the label makes since to any of the philco experts out there.

Messages In This Thread
47-1227 Philco electrolytic cap numbering - by keith49vj3 - 12-31-2009, 08:07 AM

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