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Philco 38-116 c125 autotuner disassembly? stuck "spacer"

Thanks for the extra input Rob - sounds like it's possible that on mine, the dial and mask both shrunk (which was my initial impression), and like you suggested, and in addition the hub may also have expanded a little - making the fit even worse, and holding the spacer tight.  I do hope I can get them apart.  The spacer is so tight against the hub that I initially thought it was one piece.  I had to look REALLY close to finally see that they were indeed 2 pieces - made the same way as in the SB273 document.  

By the way - I figure if my mask splits the rest of the way - I can probably just glue the split together with a little splice plate behind it - my crack is near the narrowest part where it won't interfere with the light slots.  That is, assuming I get the spacer off!  

Eddie Z

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