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Tuning Instability: 1936 Philco 60B Cathedral

As suggested by MrFixr55 I cleaned the plates of the variable cap with a feeler gauge, making sure to go through each plate gap when all the plates were fully meshed. Using DeoxIT D5 on a Q-Tip I made sure the rotor bearings were clean and free. I also ran a jumper between chassis ground and the frame of the variable cap making sure any loose grounds were eliminated.  Please see my You Tube video for a visual presentation of the results thus far at the following video link:


As one can see in the video, an improvement has been made in stability.  There is less loss of sensitivity and /or completely cutting out of reception when the shaft of the variable capacitor tuning knob is moved or jiggled. However, the tuning stability is still not complete, but it is better. I will continue cleaning the cap and, as suggested I will replace the jumper with a soldered ground wire from chassis to the variable cap’s frame. Thank you MrFixr55.
However, as seen, there still is some slight loss of sensitivity when the variable capacitor tuning knob is moved or jiggled. If anyone has further suggestions that may result in better tuning stability I would appreciate your comments and suggestions.  Thank you.

KB1PKS (Bill)

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