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Which Philco radio to restore next? A 38-620 or a 41-256?

While I will be the first to admit I'm not as knowledgeable as most of the people on this phorum when it comes to electronics, but my abilities are a lot better than when I started. I'm starting to "get it". Schmatics are starting to make some sense. I find when I reread my radio books and radio repair articles that they make more and more sense. Things are starting to come together and more and more pieces of the puzzle are falling into place. I have a long way to go, but I feel confident I can repair either radio, especially with the help I can get here. You and I are on the same page when it comes to labeling wires, drawing diagrams and taking digital pictures. My GE F70 radio works because I took my time and replaced all the capacitors, and some of the resisters one at a time using lots of pictures and diagrams. I've been soldering for years. I used to build specialized microphone/audio cables used by filmmakers and sound recordists. Tom

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