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Ron's Cabinet Work for the 2013 Season

Ha! I knew I couldn't be the only one with filler problems! Well at least in my case, the filler came out pretty good, however, no stain or anything I used on it would stick! (I even had a can of 50+ year old Dutch oil stain, which gave the top a nice original-ish look, but seemed to repel away from the filled spots). And no, you need not utilize Voodoo for this application. I could conjure up a quick little spell for you, if you'd like. (How do you think I got the 42-400 up and running and looking so good? It certainly cannot be attributed to my vast skills of electrical endeavor, nor cabinetry accreditation). You must allow the unseen hand to guide yours and massage the machinery to your liking. ( P.S. It doesn't hurt to have a reliquary close at hand, just for good measure) Icon_angel

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RE: Ron's Cabinet Work for the 2013 Season - by Electrothaumaturgist - 05-28-2013, 07:34 PM

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