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Aligning 40-155...signal bleeding in

John, after working with the set on and off for a few days it seems close....better than it was. Tubes replaced, especially the mixer have made a difference. But I have a few vexing issues....after aligning the RF....attempting the 1400 and 580 Kc there is an area of microphoning of the chassis and intermittent howling at different points but all seem to be situated in the middle of the band 800-1100 kc....not sure why this would be so tight to that part of the band....that and some of the strong stations appear at other places than there assigned frequency...i.e. 830 kc WCCO appears at the far end and holds some audible signal across the whole range...stronger at some points.
Bad mixer socket perhaps? Continuity seems good on it tho without grounding where there shouldn't be...
This is a nice set times when it does work it sounds started as a fully packed mouse nest with many capacitors and resistors gone for mouse feeding purposes...I challenge to basically rewire but the cabinet is very nice now. Would be nice to go the last mile and get it back totally in line!
Thanks John...I'm going to send this as a message as well...sorry for the duplication but would like your input on this.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Aligning 40-155...signal bleeding in - by jeffgniffke - 02-07-2014, 04:34 PM

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