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Model 89 coil rewind..did anyone save their notes?

Hi Will,

I can't thank you enough for your help. Just so we're on the same page, looking at the bottom of the coils, with the mounting bracket facing you, the lugs go clockwise starting at the bottom left, like this crude sketch I made of the RF?
That said, I get continuity between lugs 1 & 4, and lugs 2 & 5. Can you identify which 2 lugs are the primary connections and which two are the secondary based on that sketch?

Here's a similar sketch of the OSC coil.
Lug number 4 has the inner coil attached (soldered) to it. Is the numbering correct on this coil based on what you found, again looking at it from the bottom with the mounting bracket facing you? On this coil, I get continuity between lugs 3 & 5, and the center wire (dot on sketch) & lug 4. Based on this, can you identify which lugs the primary and secondary are connected to? And, also which lugs the tickler are connected to?

Knowing this would be EXTREMELY helpful to a coil winding novice like me. Thank you SO much!! And my apologies for my crude and sloppy sketches, but it was easier for me (and faster) than taking pictures and editing them, adding numbers to them, etc.

Greg V.
West Bend, WI

Messages In This Thread
RE: Model 89 coil rewind..did anyone save their notes? - by NostalgiaRadioTime - 02-11-2014, 08:17 PM

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