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Mikes 16B, Not Sams

Har Har Har...

Anyway, on another note.

Which one is it? Icon_lol


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Like I said....Ron is the expert. Unless someome else knows for sure.
If there is a decal. Which I think should be there.

People who do not drink, do not smoke, do not eat red meat will one day feel really stupid lying there and dying from nothing.

Kirk, are you using the veneer repair method where you tightly clamp a slightly oversize piece of veneer and then sand off the excess?

Lexington, KY
"illegitimis non carborundum"

I think Kirk at some point described his method and it was different. The only oversize is the one outside the external wall (bezel) contour, unless you mean this oversize.

People who do not drink, do not smoke, do not eat red meat will one day feel really stupid lying there and dying from nothing.

I am trying this method since it is the face of the radio. If it works well, good!
If not , it is Mikes radio so what the hockey stix do I care!


Times I have been electrocuted in 2021
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Please take some pictures before the sanding; that's a technique I've been wanting to try.

Lexington, KY
"illegitimis non carborundum"

Will do!


Times I have been electrocuted in 2021
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Unclamped, sanded with block, and they look pretty darn good!

Toner will hide all the little imperfections.

A few more repairs and the face is DONE!

Here are the pics:

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Times I have been electrocuted in 2021
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Very nice Icon_thumbup 

Lexington, KY
"illegitimis non carborundum"

Good work Kirk!! Very time cosuming I would think. I dont have the paients for that I do not think.

Almost done with the face.

Gluing number 5 today and a last one tomorrow if I have time.

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Times I have been electrocuted in 2021
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It looks so....helpless Icon_sad

People who do not drink, do not smoke, do not eat red meat will one day feel really stupid lying there and dying from nothing.

Face is done and stripped.

The stripping was a pain. For some reason the thinner was not working.

Had to sand most of it off.

Next is to re-attach the arch to the front and then try to repair all the veneer and the gouges and the punctures.

Any ideas on those?

I will try water and the heat gun first to see if I can get any to raise.

Here she is now.

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Times I have been electrocuted in 2021
As of 1/01/2021
AC: 4 DC: 1
Last year: 6

Looks like new. New unpainted IKEA furniture Icon_smile

People who do not drink, do not smoke, do not eat red meat will one day feel really stupid lying there and dying from nothing.

I could always paint it. That would make the repairs easier. Could use wood filler all over and give it a nice white and black lacquer finish.....

Should I? could I? Would I?

Ok back to work, Icon_rolleyes

Times I have been electrocuted in 2021
As of 1/01/2021
AC: 4 DC: 1
Last year: 6

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